
Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is one thing I’d like to change in my life?

  • What are the three biggest challenges I am facing now in my life?

Hypnosis may provide the help you need to solve your problems.

“It is really amazing what people can do. Only they don’t know what they can do.”

— Milton Erickson

I use hypnosis, guided imagery, and mindfulness as appropriate. Hypnosis can help with general relaxation, stress reduction, and for more specific issues. Learning self-hypnosis is an empowering tool that you can use in your life on a daily basis to find more joy, peace, and overall well-being. Hypnosis sessions are short term in nature, lasting about 5 sessions on average.

Hypnosis can be used in the following areas:

  • Performance

  • Test-Taking

  • Sports

  • Auditions

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Self-Confidence

  • Habits

  • Pain Management

  • Sleep Issues

  • Anxiety